Winter has made its self present in central New York. We get a fresh addition of snow every day and it is starting to build up. The new add on’s do keep it looking fresh however and white. It is amazing how white, black and a bit of gray can be so beautiful! I have had a quiet but busy week. I did deliver the twin Scarp Happy quilt on Monday and promptly started another. Some how no face contact with folks is starting to diminish the joy of sharing. I have become acutely aware how important saying “Thank You” is. I am still a little burnt by giving 21 quilts to the nursing home and having the guard tell me to drop them on the floor while he continued to play on his phone. He said my contact was unavailable. I still do not know if the woman I talked with on the phone got the quilts or they went out in the trash. That was three weeks ago. I know that everyone is busy and Covid complicates things, but I did leave my business card in all the bags, so one hopes they could find me if they wanted to.
I did get a great deal of joy in the mail this week with two different events. My Spoonflower order arrived and I am delighted with the results. I will have to feature it in a work soon. My second delight came in the form of a package from Robert of the Pixies group. It was a new hat! It make me smile from ear to ear every time I look at it. It sure made our Zoom meeting fun as we all had new toppers.
The Textile Artist Stitch Club assignment for this week was from Valerie Goodwin. I have had several classes with her and find her to be a strong teacher. We made a map of our neighborhoods using Goolgel maps as our jumping off point. It was fun and I enjoyed doing the hand work. The purple round objects are my trees as viewed from above.
Progress Report: Scarp Happy This work is going quickly as I already had a backing done from some time in the past.
Crow Fabric Collage
I could not make the crow that I did last week work by its self, so I made a second one yesterday. I like to do things in odd numbered groups so I will make a third feature unit this week to mix with the two done ones.
Autumn Fall The base is all assembled and quilted so now I can add the Tyvec leaves on top. I am doing the vanes by machine first. It takes me about 12 min to do each one. I am about half way done with the vain work.
Black base I am doing more hand work with the wool treads that Nancy gave me. This is a second piece of black fabric that I tried to discharge last summer so there are some slight color changes in the black. I am exploring with my stitches.
Daily Practice Because I am using the same wool and lots of old dyed lace this work is moving along a lot faster then I expected. Wool needs bigger stitches and that fills thing in quickly. Fun work however.
I have pulled these fabrics for my next lap quilt.
Childhood/ Adolescents Memories Jr High
> My entry into Storer Jr High was different in many ways.
> I was just Carol McElhinney , one student among many and my parents were not known in this community . Though Dad was in the Education department at Ball State Teachers collage, he was also new . With time his name became know and that short unanimity disappeared, that only changed when I married Eric and changes my last name. Then I did get out from under Dad’s big shadow. The middle school went from 7th grade to Freshman year and there were over 350 students in each grade level. This was a another big difference .My school records from Carroll followed me and I was placed in a low level home room with Mr Dillon. He was our teacher for Language Arts. I don’t recall much instruction , but I do remember lots of sustained silent reading with book reports to follow. The report was a simple, title, author and short plot line. Since I had really started to understand how to decode the printed word over the summer, it was a real growing experience. By the end of the first semester ,Mr Dillon moved me a different home room. That was a math home room and since I did well with numbers, it worked well for me. My new English teacher was Mrs Middelton . I had her for 9th grade too. I do remember one incident in her class very well. We were silently reading O Henry’s short story, “Ransom of the Red Chief.” I saw the story so vividly in my mind that I burst out laughing in the silent room. I got quiet embarrassed , settled down and started reading. But again I got so lost in the story and soon was laughing uncontrollably again. Mrs Middelton sent me to set in the hall for the rest of the period to finish the story and not distract anyone else. Years later when Eric and I visited Storer on a teachers’s visitation day our paths crossed again. She recognized me and told Eric the story of that day. Later that spring, she hired Eric for a teaching job there.
> My school was about a mile from our house and across the creek that ran behind our home. There was one foot bridge near the school and no road crossing the creek until one was a mile and a half from home. I often rode my bike to school early as I had a job. I was the kid who opened and ran the school book store. I would go to the office and pick up the cash box and key to open the big display cabinet were a few simple school supplies were kept. Paper, note books, pencils, compasses, rules and such, were what the store sold. After locking up I went to Math class first period. My seat was behind John Isenbarker, one of the popular Jocks. He was a quarter back for the football team and a center for the basketball team. When we were paired to do work together I Learned how lazy he was. I had too much self worth to let the “ big man on campus”, copy my homework so he sort of black balled me. It was a big enough school that I still survived.Miss Fisher was the girls gym teacher and I really liked her. I experienced the big change in the rules of how girls played basketball. In eighth grade, girls played half court and I was a forward. We never crossed the center line. In ninth grade after the rules changed, it was full court like the boys played basketball ,and I was a guard. I remember a fierce competition between Jo Ann Walker and myself. Jo Ann was in Mr Dillon’s class so we had a bit of a history . She was scrappy, and taller then I was. I came home with many scratches on my arms after basketball games from her aggressive attitude. This was also about the time I realized that the world was stacked in favor of boys and men. I was quite upset and angry about this. Dad and I had several talks on that subject. In the end, I went away from those talks with Dad’s assurance that I could do what ever I wanted and I would have his support.
Take good care of your self
I just love your stories… especially now that we’re entering the jr high zone! Most people have no recall of those years, but I’m so glad that you’re sharing your thoughts and experiences!
Cheri… BTW…thank you for making those 21 lap quilts…I KNOW that they made their lives more joyful just knowing that someone cared!
I, too, played half-court girl’s basketball, but as a freshman in college and as a club, not a sport. Very different, indeed.