It is really starting to be colorful here in central New York. I have seen all shades of green, yellow, orange and red this week. Mother Nature has been busy. I went off to a Fiber Arts show on Sat. There was lots of weaving, spinning and roving. I came home with a back pack full of new colors to work
with. The yarns were beautiful as well. It almost made me want to knit…. then I remembered all the yarn I already have so I walked away. I also went off to the Rock Garden Art Group Show. Two Fiber arts friends had work in the show Cheri and Terri. It was great. I so enjoy seeing the work of my fellow fiber Artists in gallery settings.
Progress Report: Ethel’s Nine Patch I got all of the quilt put together with week. I am working on the binding and that is about one third done. I am sure it will be completed this week.
Birds I am making progress on this work too. I have not put much of it together but the layout is getting more and more complete.
Land Fall I did work on this piece this week but this is the slow stage were not a lot seem to be happening in the over all image.
Orange Wool This work is like the other wool based piece. Lots of time but little difference on the surface. I am pushing myself to go more toward a fire like image. Time will tell if I can make this work.
Queen Ann’s Lace I did work on the heads of the steams on this project. I have been so busy doing hand work on other things that I have not really spent much time on this project.
Thread Painting At the QuEG’s meeting Angela talked about doing thread painting on wash away. Well I tried it this week. I like the concept, but I need to plan more carefully with the grid I put down to build on. I also marked the pattern were I wanted the white in red washable marker. I turned the thread pink. Not my plan at all. Mistakes are what we need to move forward. Then today I re read the instructions and it said to do the machine drawing on both sides. A second mistake.
I just keep working at the little daily blocks.
Keep Creating