It has taken me a while to decide on my word of focus for this year and I have considered many and tossed several away. But yesterday I decided that the word would be MARKS. I make marks f all sorts as do all humans. Think of the margins of note books in high school. Perhaps that is disappearing as kids spend more time on the computers , IPhones and pads, but I doubt it will ever disappear totally. Animals leave marks of there passing in the mud , snow and dirt. As do machines. Like skid marks that many of us created with our bikes. As an artist it will be a focus that I feel I need to pursue.
I sure seem to have a lot on my plate as we move into February. I did finish the Upstate Cancer Mask and returned it to the hospital before the dead line. I chose to treat the whole thing as a big
three dimensional needle point project. I can hardly wait to see how others treated this challenge.
This week being the first one of the month meant that both QuIG’s and Diva’s had meetings. The turn
out for QuIG’s was small but full of exciting projects. Sally is all ready for Valentine’s day with some wonderful cards for her grandkids. She also created some wonderful heart shaped book marks and bird candy holders.
Liz had just finished a on line class and she enjoyed doing personal historic explorations as well as learning some new techniques.
The Diva gals were busy too. Regina is building on her doodles and adding color and bead work to them. Noel is doing old fashion Paining work with her wonderful silk kimono fabrics.
I can hardly wait to see how this develops.
Lori and Kirsten both too a class at the Schweinfurt with Victoria Finley Wolf last month and did strong works with very different feels.
It is the wonder of the old patterns, that different fabrics, prints, colors and sets can make such different solutions.
I am getting ready for the “heART” sale at the Turquoise Street studio next week on Friday and Saturday with more images. Please feel free to come between 11 and 8 both days. The studio is through and behind Eureka Crafts in downtown Syracuse NY.
I am still adding parts to the surface of this work. I can see the bottom of the box that I collected all the little bits in, so I will need to add more hand work as I go forward.
I am ready to start building on this third felted base. I am trying to avoid the warp by adding a felted back unit to the work for this stage.
New Work I made a bunch of collages this week and I selected this one to be the beginning of a new work.
I have pinned up these fabrics and I think they will be the start. I do not know what color I will make the contrast pieces.
New Work I pulled out this big piece of print fabric and I feel ready to build on top of and add to it. A lot of the base work is already done for me I think.
Blown Blossoms This piece got a lot of attention this week and I am nearly ready to add the facings and finish it up. It is a small so it too went together quickly.
6X6 I was at a bit of a loose end this week so I started my entries for the Rochester 6X6 show. I decided to do little paper quilts this year as I had not done any work in this style for a while. I really like working this small as they come together very quickly. Two done and two to go.
Label Block #38 I just keep stitching away on these.
Keep Creating