This is the time of year when we stop and give thanks. I am so thankful for my family and friends, my good health and my chance to create art. Life could not be better for me then it is and for that I am truly grateful.
The open studio on Thursday evening went well and I sold one piece with a chance to sell a second. The shop owner at Eureka talked us into being open on Saturday as well, because she says lots of folks stop on their way to the Syracuse University Ball games. So Barbara got busy and put out a sign on Saturday. She did really well selling over $ 400.oo worth of work. I am happy for her. I got a lot of button whole units created for the Blooming Bacteria quilt although I did not sell anything on Saturday.

42.5″ X 36″
Progress Report: Blue Yonder This quilt is full of experiments. I hand printed the blue images on the white last winter. I made the screen from the curlers mom had used when she gave me a home perm when I was a kid. I printed the blue fabric paint on top of a white fabric that I had done a little blue crayon rubbing on first. I also spent a day with Barbara last winter using stencils and modeling paste on fabric. I did not know if I could stitch through it when I tried that experiment, and it worked. I also added turquoise and blue paint on some of the fabric so it was not so stark. I did some bleach discharging on the royal blue fabrics that I used on this work. The fifth exeriment that is part of this quilt is the dark blue and light aqua square. I found one old piece of light sensitive fabric in the package and exposed it to sun light with one of my stencils on it last summer. That created the indigo and pale blue part of the block. Then I used the same stencil a second time only I used the aqua oil crayon on the stencil this time. This piece of fabric is also were I
got my idea for the quilting pattern. The swirling pattern is not the same but very similar.

20.5″ X 35″
Sun Shine This quilt is also an experimental project. It is based on one of the techniques that Katie Pasquini Masopust teaches in her classes. After adding scraps of fabric on top and giving the canvas a second paint job, I stated slicing and then zig zagging the pieces back together. It is a scary and fun technique. When I was happy with the composition then I free motion quilted the work and bound it. I enjoyed the porcress so I think I will try it a second time. The slicing sure adds a freedom that is not typical of the usual quilting process.
Foundations# 4 This is my newest highly textured piece. It is based on a rock formation picture that I took last summer in Maine. I have decided to change the title of the series to Foundations because no one but me sees “rocks” in the work. It is too abstract and I am OK with that idea. I so enjoy the process of building up the wrinkles and adding the textures of the silk paper and yarns. I just let the fabric tell me what to do after I get the basic lay out pinned down. It seems to become alive and change under my finger tips. Building up layers of stitching lines and fabric bits is fun! I can hardly wait from one day to the next to get back to these pieces.
This one is even less defined than #4. I am still auditioning fabrics that I might use here. ( the pinned fabric on the right and left) I do know that I want the leaf print to become totally lost before I am done here, so you can see there is a lot to build up on this one.
Swallows A few weeks ago I made a background for Oak Leaves that did not work.
The colors of the blues cashed with the greens so I made a second background and this one is the first attempt. I was watching birds on my walk one day this week and thought that I could create a stencil and use it on this extra sky. So when I got home I cut a swallow stencil and printed it on a bit of fabric. It worked, so I did it on the sky. After I have lived with it bit longer and I am sure that is does not need any more birds I will start to quilt it.
Daily’s I am finding that I am having fun exploring new stitches as I continue to work with these little pieces. My stitches are far from uniform, but they are fun.
I hope that the holiday was a pleasant one for all and that the turkey was delicious.
Keep Creating.