I am home from a most wonderful journey to Maine. But before I left the computer crashed. I was able to get some info down loaded by the GEEK SQUAD( thank you!) but some things were lost. Like all the Favorite connections and such. It has taken me until today to get back to where I can write this work. I did indeed type a post on Wed in prearation, but again in my efforts at the new navigation of this system and I saved it somewhere so safe I can’t find it again. Enough complaining! Maine was beautiful with lots of great color ans my favorite subject-rocks. I took lots of new pictures of rock surfaces in Arcadia and I am sure they will be worked into upcoming art. Rocks and water go together so well. We spent a day in Elizabeth’s studio painting and had a grand time. The paint was almost as colorful as the environment.
I created more fabric for rocks of course and Marty did great water color type stuff. Elizabeth let us pin the drying fabric to the back of her milk shed and it made a grand display. Barb spent the day mixing lots of colors,many will be used in furture paint days as she says she is just starting to play now.
Progress Report: Oak Leaves For the background on this piece look at the posts for Sept 12 and 19. I am ready to build the background now. I tried two before I reached the one that is in the photo. I plan to quilt horizontal wind patterns onto the blue background and then apply the limb and leaves on top.
Rounds I have now assembeled this work and it is waiting the next step. I am uncertain about how I want to go forward with the process so I will just move it to the bottom of my work pile and will let it rest for the time being. I did show it to the gals in the work study group yesterday and they had some good suggestions about how to proceed. I will let those ideas work in the back of my mind for a while and when I look at it again later I hope I will know exactly what to do with it.
Vertical Wall ( formerly Road to Dry Falls) I quickly put this work on the wall at the end of quilting one day and it was on the vertical instead of the usual horizotnal format. When I came back in the morning, I knew that the new layout was a much better position. I think that this work is nearly complete now. When I am sure the work is complete I will sign it and post close ups.
Gray Wall I am doing the hand work and free motion quilting on this work now, it will soon be complete so I am only going to show a close up of one area for this week.
New work This is a new work that I started just before my departure for Maine. I came across some of the fabric I had screen printed last winter with Barbara so I used it. The color pallit is a bit bright compared to what I am working toward at the moment,but it was a fun diversion.
Daily Exercise I decided that I needed a small hand work project. So I cut some white 4.5 ” squares. Then I fused a red circle and a black rectangle to each one. I made no attempt to cut them the same size nor did I try to put the shapes in the same location on each square. I then cut a four inch squares of batting to add to the back of the squares. I took red and black thread along to do the handwork with and started my personal challenge. I have done 16 blocks so far and have the start of several more. Doing just a little everyday is a good thing for me and not too demanding. I am having fun shuffling them around already I cannot tell for sure what order I did them in. I like laying them in in different relationships to one another too. I will keep it up for a while, but I am not making any commitment to the leath of time for this action yet.
I hope fall is keeping everyone happy.
Keep Creating
So great to see snaps of Barb and Marty, what fun – thanks – glad you had a great time! Randy