Hello Friends,
Sandy proved to be just as mighty and power laden as the weather men predicted. I am still reeling from the effects of wind and water on the folks of the east coast. Such destruction and loss. The will to survive is amazing and this storm will test many a soul. We where hunkered down here with water, batteries and supplies that somehow seem a bit silly. Thankfully the storm just glanced over and around us leaving us untouched. I, however, watched hours of coverage and listened to lots of reports, feeling sorrow for others and blessed at my own good fortune. My heart goes out to all the thousands of people and the hard ships they are enduring and will be facing in the future. We must not forget them when they fall off the front pages of our news reports.

17.5″ X 24″
Progress Report: Bird Goddesses
I had a good time finishing this work this week. Now that I am assured that I will have a one woman show in Feb and that director does in deed want goddess quilts I feel really inspired to work in that direction.
Wedding Quilt for Lauren I am feeling like I am making progress on this quilt. The top is all assembled now and I am ready to begin the quilting step. I like the way the light centers glow a bit in this work. Composition in Purples This quilt really came together this week. I got excited
as I started quilting and did not plan as carefully as I should have and had to rip out a lot. I enjoyed how the purple organza has a real nice feel for the play of light on the surface.
Tutti Fruity Last week I was still working on putting together small units of color and
doing so with a wiggle line. I have quit a pile of them now and so I started using them in a work. Tutti Fruity is the first in this series. Quilting in a circular pattern is proving to be a challenge as it stretches the fabric a bit. I have learned that if I quilt one circle in the clockwise direction then I need to quilt the one inside of next to in it, in the counter-clockwise direction to make it flatter.
New Composition
I started laying out a new composition along the same line as the first. I was going to try using the stripped units on a lighter background and keeping the crossed effect. This is the first layout and I will do at least two more before I make my final decision. I enjoy making little challenges for myself and watching how they workout.
I hope all of you are safe and happy. To my fellows who experienced Sandy’s wrath- I hope for a speedy return to a “normal” life.
Keep Creating