Hello Everyone,
It has been cold here in central New York, but the contrast of today is delightful. I am just home from my walk for today. It is beautiful with summer like temperatures an lots of fall color. I enjoyed the crunch of leaves, but even more the falling ones. There are many leaves drifting down on gentle breezes so I played my favorite fall sport of catching as many as I could. I stood for a long time under a golden Ginko, but was unsuccessful there. They are just a little to solid and only drop down- no drifting there. I did manege to get five however. One very red Silver Maple leaf and four from Sugar Maples. I had a grand time.( after checking on old posts I discovered that I talked of leaf catching last year in Nov.17 post)
This week has been a busy one out side the studio what with plays and meetings as I get back into the swing of fall activities.
Progress Report: Lauren’s Wedding Quilt I worked away on this project but there is no real visible change. All the blocks are in rows and ready for assembly. I am creating the back greens and browns but in my usual scrap back method. I will try to take more photos this week.
Slender Cuts
I started this method with the instructions I got from Marty in Idaho. If you look back at the June 25 posting your will see that I have been struggling with curved piecing for a while. With the help Marty has given me the cuts are better and they are much flatter. I like this method and now have about 20 pieces of various widths. I guess I should stop fooling around and start something with these fellows. Composing in Purple
I decided to try a new approach to my compositions. I pinned up three different layouts using mostly the same units and then looking at the digital images selected the

stronger of the three an started the new work from that point.

I altered the work as I usually do- remembering what Dr Nichols always said about making “Visual decisions Visually”. This is nearly assembled and I do not see too many changes before completion.
I hope you are all enjoying fall and the leaves.
Keep Creating