I am so sorry to admit that I had thought that this work was set up to publish while I was away. It failed to do so- as a result I am publishing it today( Oct 4)
Hi to all,
I am enjoying my trip to the western part of the country. Marty and I always have such a good time together. I do not have access to my usual material so I am going to post some older photos of my trip to Arizona and New Mexico from earlier this summer. I hope they inspire you.
The memories that looking at my photos bring to mind is how very stark all things appear. The color that I enjoy where I live is all very muted here. It has a sudle richness that makes me very aware of texture.
The tree root here really shows how nature adapts and uses color in such a different way. I like the strong horizonal growth of this photo. The fact that we could get very close to the petroglyphics was exciting to me as well. I wish I knew how to read the message more clearly.
The other thing I became aware of was how strong the contrasts often times were.
The people who lived here must have felt a bit small in comparison to there landscape. This shot shows two different sets on dwellings – the top is Anastazie and the bottom dwellings are Navaho- 2000 years later.
This shot shows the canyon stains with dwellings at the bottom. I was struck by how much the stains looked like a New York City sky line. Again note how high the canyon walls are.
This shot show how one section of the canyon looks against the high contrast of the sky. It really make me feel small.
The tree again shows the high constast of light and dark that is part of this area. The tree lines become so strong when viewed this way.
This shot from the rim shows Spider Woman’s Rock. Note the high contrast in the shadows.
The setting sun has a real impact on the color in the area too. I think it brings up the differences in texture a lot.
Lastly I want to show this shot of the sky- it is so domainate in this part of the world and the clowds take on a different grandure. I had a grand time here in the south west .
Keep Crating and enjoy the wonders of the season where you are.