I am a bit off balance as there was an accident involving my friend on Wed. She fell and after stitches she is OK- but unwilling to go to Philadelphia with me. I am sorry and I will miss her presents this week, but I understand things change. I am fine doing the events on my own and the excitement will just be diminished without her. Life is really a paradox because we must act like all our plans will work as we intend, but there is always the possibility that they will not. So I need to stop feeling sorry for myself and just be glad that she will mend and we can share another experience in the future.
Good things happened this week too. My friend Barbara won a second place at the Recycled Show at the Rome Art Center. I am so very happy for her and I like this piece too.
I had several things accepted as well. These little Spice Girls as I call them were all presented on the mantle piece of the gallery.
I also had two found object collages in this show.

Both were created from stuff that was from my past and mostly out of my grandmothers house. In Blue Too is the watch that did not work even when I was young and the Hein’s Pickle pin came from the time we visited the factory in about 1958.

The glasses in Orange Objects where Aunt May’s and the elephants are carved ivory from a necklace that was broken when my cousin was wearing it at a garden party. We never found all the parts to put it back together again. They are both real memory pieces for me.
I got excited by the wonderful sunny weather and cut a stamp of a tulip and made Spring Cards one day this week. I put them in the mail this morning.
Progress Report: Angled Balance

This quilt is finished now. I really like how the quilting lines run across the printed fabric lines on this surface. It was fun to work on this one too.
Knot Know DMC Project #7 and Adventure Challenge

This quilt has lots of extra items after the title because it fits into to series. I used fabric from the DMC project for the colors. The black is the addition. I am nearing the end of the yardage from that project. I did however use the last bits in two other tops. The knots make this part of the Adventure Challenge as they are my own derivative from the Lois Ericson Book Design and Sew it Yourself. I have tow more ideas I want to explore out to that text and then I will be ready to move onto the next book in that Challenge.
Pot Shards

I am done with this quilt except for the addition of the sleeve on the back. I did use the pottery design for the quilting patterns as I mentioned last week. I like the final effect here and may look to pottery again as a source for quilting designs.
Paper Pieces
This piece uses the last of Dawn’s crimson from the DMC project with a lot of tan fabric. One of my quilting buddies gave me these paper bits that she had created in Rayna Gillman’s class. They are all sealed with matt medium. I have carried them around in an envelope for a couple of years and they seemed to be the embellishment that this surface needed.
I have just started the quilting on this one.
I know there will not be any progress on my works this week because of the Surface Design Conference that I am going to. But I will have lots of other news to talk about next week. Keep Creating
Hi Carol,
I really love the Angled Balance quilt. The combination of colors and effects is really striking. I was really pleased to see the cards you made in this blog too. 🙂