We have reached the” Ides of March”. This comes from Latin ides… that means the middle- and the 15 is of this mouth. The reason we in the western world note the date is because Julius Cesar was stabbed that day. I will admit that the mouth has been rushing along for me. I enjoyed the waining half moon this morning as I did my daily check of the sky. I am still a little sluggish in the morning having not made the full switch of the lost hour that day light savings time brings. I did start spring cleaning as this week. The quilter in me makes me break up the task into lots of little pieces. So I tackled my ribbon wall on the back of the studio closet .
This is a before shot…….. then we have the after shot. I should be able to access colors a lot better now. I will keep at the clean up one little piece at a time and perhaps by the Ides of April I will be nearly finished.
Progress Report: Spiraling Out
This quilt caused me some frustration this week. I had quilted it following the spiraling action….. it was awful! So I spent an evening removing all the machine work. I am still not sure this is the answer for this work. I guess I will need to put it at the bottom of the stack for a while and see how I feel when I can look at it with fresh eyes.
Crimson Diminished DMC IV

I am still using us the fabric from the DMC project. I feel I have gained a great deal form this process. Making me slow down and not try to do everything on one work is one of the main lessons for me. I believe this work uses the new material well and it still holds to the simple approach. I think there is just enough fabric – mostly in Dawn’s crimson and Marty’s turquoise that I can add one additional fabric and create one last work in this series.
Cycling Circuits
I am now ready to begin to fill in the openings. I have several treatments to audition.
This is cotton netting in a navy blue
This next trial is inner facing painted in pink and rose with some of the area left white. This treatment could use some spark- like beads too.
This third image shows a purple plastic screening in the opening. This one too needs some embellishment to make the whole more interesting. I will again just have to live with these for a while before I will know what is the most effective.Golden Rounds Paper Quilt IV
This is a full view of the paper quilt in progress. I am having fun doing more of the Faggotting between the paper sections. I have learned several things along the way here. Number one- when cutting a curve the spacing is difficult- at least for me. This irregular spacing, plus the uneven sizes of beads is the second thing I learned. And that is I must try each set before I stitch into the section across the opening. I do like the effect! It has been fun.
Sugar Spill
This is a quilt that uses a simple composition a and special materials. I played with the Angelina adding sequins and felt in the mix. It was an enjoyable exploration process.
I reflected the squares of felt in the quilting in this work. I created a pattern that I may repeat in a future piece.
New work- Fire Works
This is a new piece that I am excited about. After playing with the Angelina for Sugar Spill, I did my typical” What IF????” and this new thing with fire works came into being. I have had this strong purple fabric with the turquoise in it ever sense the DMC project got started. But it is so intense a color that I had not used it before this time. As you can see here I am still intimidated by it and have mostly covered it with the Angelina. This work also spawned a second new piece were I am trying the powerful purple fabric as a whole cloth unit.
Mini 4

I still have so much to learn about the photo process. This time I did manage to not have the flash show on the glass- but it is very tilted! I see this as room for growth.
Keep Creating everyone
You are so right that you have to watch the direction of the threads across the openings if you want to end up with “lines” that look right. Either that, or use random, serpentining lines. One thing I’ve done is to add threads by hand, then go back over them with the machine, but now you have a guide for how they look.
Keep creating!
Dear Carol-
Thanks for that tip. I never though of adding the treads by hand first- but then you are the master here. I actually pinned one section to a board and then did the other with the beads and connected the two.
It is fun to solve the problums.
Keep Creating
incredibly good.http://www.oculosfeminino.com