It is a bit gray this morning, but the last few days have been beautifully sunny. The planet is shifting slowly south and the sun dose shine into my studio that is on the east end of the house. I am not changing the time I rise so I am aware of the increasing light every morning when I enter. In a week I find I am no longer looking at the pin wall and seeing works in shades of gray and white. Color greets my eye and not just in the studio. The group discussion at QEG’s and the books on color that I have been reading have really made me aware of its presents. I even used my 3 in 1 color tool to make a choice when it came to color for one of my works this week.
Progress Report Adventure Challenge- Blue Frogs
Here is where I use the color tool. I would not have selected the “orange”- I see it as golden brown to add to this blue combination if I had not looked at the chart. I love the way the frogs are created with a continuous line. This idea is from the same book”, by Louis Ericson, Design It and Sew It Yourself.
I know there will be more work with this idea. I find it so very fascinating.
Spiraling Out
My continuing fascination with the orange and blue combination has also lead to this new work. I really think the print fabric is mostly responsible though. I love how the artist put so many colors together and they really dance well. Not until I though of using fabric that had very little or no print of its own did I find a way to use it.
This work is getting a texture treatment in the form of various buttons that will spiral out from and off center location. I started with an enamel button that I had purchased years ago. It has like the fabric always been such a strong bit that I have not been able to use it in the past. I do not think it will over power this work.
This quilt top is an extension of the DMC project. I added two other pieces of fabric to the combo of the Crimson and blue green to do this one and I used the same construction method I used on the last three works in that group. I though that is needed a little kick of texture so I am adding to the surface. Years ago a friend gave me some old pads are from the keys of Saxophones. I painted some blue and aqua and now I am adding them to the surface to add the interest I think it needs. As you can see some of the pads took the paint better than others.
Cycle Circuits
This quilt is now a full top. I like the openings and that is just a continuing explorations thing for me. I am to the tedious part of this project were I have to carefully add the batting in between the openings and add parts to the back by building onto the facings of each opening too. I am much more excited about some of the other work I am doing so this keeps getting pushed to the bottom of the work stack.
Golden Rounds Paper Quilt I picked the paper quilt and after a bit of sketching, I started cutting away at it. I am not sure if I am done with the cutting- but I do like what is happening so far. I am thinking about adding beads in the opening to do a bit more Faggoting. It is worth a try
Mini’s Lastly I did frame two of the mini works. I am having trouble shooting them as they do show the light on the glass. I have though about that as I have been working this morning and I think I can conquer that problem if I put the light source from the side.

I also want to get a little closer next time to show the detail more.
It has been a full week as they all seem to be. I will keep looking at and thinking about color and light in the days ahead.
Keep Creating
Nice info! I have been previously hunting for something similar to this for some time now. Thank you!