Fall Retreat


I took this photo of the sun setting over the St Laurence  on Sat.   The FAB group had a weekend retreat at   Judy’s Camp last weekend.   Saturday we went out to dinner.   It was so enjoyable  to eat along the river and watch the many boats as they slipped by.

Patti worked away on her pillow case project.IMG_9206   She finished all but six of them.    Both Nancy and Judy worked on “Disappearing Nine Patch” projects.IMG_9208  This shot shows Nancy ready to do the first cut of her four patch.     We enjoyed our work time and in the evening we launched two paper lanterns IMG_9203over the lake.  They rose strait up until they reached the top of the ridge where the wind caught them and then they sailed north on a fast wind.  We all watched open  mouthed, until they  disappeared in the night.     It was a wonderful weekend and we all felt the it jump started us all for quilt work this fall.

Progress Report: Glyph II   This quilt is all done now .  It   is  the second one and where I really started the use of the negative space units that were cut from the back of the project.( the brow squared fabric)IMG_9223IMG_9224  I am enjoying this series.


Glyph IV   I continue to bead for an hour every day on this project.  It is coming along, but the progress is a slow one.




Glyph V     IMG_9220I am doing two different types of quilting on this project.   inside the green areas I am doing pebble quilting with green metallic thread.  In the blue, green and purple areas,  I am doing reflective quilting in a variegated thread.

IMG_9216Glyph VI  This quilt is all pinned in place and I am ready to start to quilt it.  I am however not sure about what style/type of quilting I want to use here.  I am just studying it now too.

Glyph  VII This is the project that I worked on at camp.  The four smaller glyph  patterns where designed to go together to create a four patch quilt.  I am now auditioning different layouts for this project.   I am not sure  if this is the final at this point,  but I feel it is the strongest so far.    I try one layout and live/look at it for a while and then take a photo and try another layout and repeat the process.   nothing is stitched down yet so I can make all sorts of changes.

IMG_9214Wind – Water  card   I am still trying to deal with my feelings about the newest hurricane- Irma.  Mother Nature sure has used her power of wind and water to remind us that  she still has the final say.

Creative assistants   I have now completed all the little fellows that have completed faces at this time.  I will now move back to the face creation step  in the process to move forward.

Capture scarvesIMG_9230   In cleaning up the studio space I opened a box that was full of these scarves.  All with out the fabric neck units on them.  Deciding I needed to finish the process I have done these black ones and red ones.  There are still a few to go so there will be more next time.   IMG_9232

Label Blocks

Only two more blocks and this step of this project will be completed.

Next week I will be in New York City for three days.  So there will be no Blog post until  Sept 24.

Keep Creating


Time out


Again my mind is with the folks in the line of the new Hurricane.  The folks there have my thoughts and best wishes for a minimal impact and a easy recovery.   BA28Blackeyed-Susans   I have been thinking about time a lot this week.  It is such a forward moving event that effects each of us .  Time is used to label when events will happen like tomorrow, next week two weeks from now and years off.  It also can be a general time of day like meal times,  bed times work time and play time.  Time  can be used to demote an event time like  time  to get up, time to brush your teeth,   time to move, time to go to bed.  It can be used for the seasonal events like summer time,  winter time , fall and spring.  Or more specifically,   like a holiday time,   celebratory time,  or time to morn.  It can be used to describe moods like high time, good time troubled time,  or a disastrous time.  We try to control and use time to our best advantage by setting time limits or dead lines.     Time can have speeds  like  move at a snails pace,  it can inch forward,  drag, race, slip away,  and fly.   When I am creating in the studio I get lost in time and the clock  will indicate that four hours have past in what feels like the blink of an eye to me.    We can spend time, but we can not bye time unless you are talking about purchasing a time piece.   We mark time with seconds, minuets, hours, days. months, years, and centuries.    Our bodies  change with the passage of time and our memories fade and change too.    It is constantly with us and shapes our future.    We are effected by the times we are in and the history that came before.  It is a powerful force that is constantly with us.  I guess our best bet is to use our time wisely and enjoy the time we have together.

The fist Tuesday  of the month came this last week an so I had meetings with both QuEG’s and Diva gals.   This is Sue Ellen’s latest garden quilt.   Lynn showed us this vegetable garden quilt for her nephew.   Lots of color in this one.IMG_9144Liz took a water color class and she shared her  exercises with us. IMG_9149  Angela showed us her works from Kerr’s class.  Nice strong prints.

The Diva gals  shared lots of work too.  This is Regina’s wall of completed projects.  The one on the upper left was what she started in Cynthia’s class.  Her word is love.   IMG_9157  Ruth is nearly done with her “ foot print” project.  It looks good to me.IMG_9162Anne is madly quilting away on this piece.  Blind Justice is spelled out in Braille  here.   It is always so inspiring and enjoyable  to meet with these women.

Progress Report:     Glyph III This work is 28” w X 41” l.    The word owl is still the base of the glyph and it really grew out of the cut away from Glyph IV.     IMG_9185 I pebble quilted in the yellow area of the actual glyph and reflective line quilted the orange area.  The bottomIMG_9187  was line quilted.

Glyph II   This work also came as a  result of the work before it.  The cut aways from  Glyph I were added to the surface of this cloth  construction  and then Zig-Zagged down.     I only need to decide how I want to quilt the purple area and  I will be ready to finish this piece.IMG_9190

Glyph IV IMG_9174  This work came out of the cut away from Glyph III.  I am beading on all of the orange from that work.

Glyph V    I was still in love with the complex shapes of the glyph- but I was ready to branch off for this one.    The parts are there but scrambled  and there are additions.   I have started to pebble quilt in the green areas on this peoject.

IMG_9168New work  Glyph VI    And here we have the leftovers from  # V.   I feel the from has changed enough that I may drop the glyph reference.   I have only tacked the piece on top of the cream and green background.  Those colored sections will be cut away from the bach and be a part of the jump off for the next piece.


Time Card  I continue to do the cards for Susan’s challenge.  This is my entry for this week.












Creative Assistants   Football season has begun and my work on  these little fellow has started too.  Debbie sent me a great box of trims and yarn  bits.  These guys all show some of  that influence.

Label Block IMG_9178  I am excited  as I see there are only three more black square in the basket.   I am pondering what I will tackle next too.      I need to brain storm a bit on that topic.

Keep Creating


Hurricane Harvey


The hurricane is on my mind this week.  I have spent a lot of time listening and thinking about how much the people of Texas have lost.    I fear I can not really comprehend it.    My heart goes out to them.

Progress Report: Jazzed Lines   This work is 37″ wX 51″ l.      Due to the fact that I spent so much time in the studio this week I got a lot done.  This is a project that  I started before QBL.  I added some lines in black felt and ribbon that I had noted from an image of some of Picasso’s drawings that were in an old sketchbook.    My tip is keep a sketchbook and fill it with what interests you.

And be sure to occasionally  look through the older ones to refresh your mind.


The black images add another layer of interest to a somewhat dull piece.







Considered   This 12″ X 12″ stretched piece is one of the  three   felted  wool pieces that got started before QBL too.     It is based on a rock with a fossil in it.  The sea shell is in the lower left is the fossil and it is hidden on purpose as it is in the rock.





 Scrap Happy- Ethel ‘s Scraps #5    This is the newest queen sized scrap happy work built with Ethel scraps.     The solid blocks are from the samplers she had purchased.   The striped blocks are ones she started and then did not use for some reason.  I believe there are at least two more quilts in that scrap box.





 Lettres ( owl)  This work is 22″ w X 43″ l.   It is based on three blocks  that spell the word owl.  But I have turned the work on its side as  I think it works better in this direction.

I used some old fabric that I had printed  text on a few years ago.  It is the gold here.













 Glyph II    This top grew out of the first glyph quilt as  the text ( the orange and purple shapes) were cut from the back of the first Glyph  quilt.  I have zig -zagged around the shape and I am now quilting down the background units.

 Glyph III








This glyph is based on the same paper pattern that I developed and interpreted in different colors.   I am pebble quilting in the light shape now and will do the background in strati line quilting.


Glyph IV- beaded   This glyph came out to  number 3 and the orange is the cut away of the text shape applied to a dark background of hand dyed.     I continue to bead the glyph and it is filling in.   The back ground it strait line quilting.






Glyph V    This is a close up of the next one in the series.   It is cut from some of the scraps and another fabric that I added to the mix. More  pebble quilting with green metallic thread.








10″X10″  Banquet –  Petroglyph    The Schweinfurth Art center had called for art work to be donated for an auction later this fall.  The work can be any media and I have selected fabric here. These two  works will be on sale at that time with all the funds raised going to support their cause.


Card Green Soul   My card for this week celebrates the wonders of summer and  notes that Autumn will soon be upon us.





Label Blocks    Another block got completed this week.  I also found a lost one under my chair so now there really are only four more to finish.

Keep Creating


Two Trips


The past two weeks have been ones of travel for me.  Last week at this time I was on my way to the the Dairy Barn in Athens Ohio.  Liz and I were visiting Quilt National.   They have changed the entrance and it looks great.  No photos are allowed in this show, but my memories are rich.  I was epically taken by  Natalya Aiken’s Iron Spine work and then saw that she was the feathered artist in  the QSDA magazine that came this week.     I also like Colleen Anbaugh’s Hot Sugar Cell piece.  Lots of glitz and Liz said it was like my work in some ways.   Liz and I were both excited by the many techniques we had just explored in Kerr’s class at QBL two weeks before  and noticed several of them in the quilts on display at this show.  IMG_9057.jpg   This fact will  pushed me to do more exploration.     The next day we drove north to Zanesville to check out their museum and see another quilt show.    Liz has been in class with this woman at Nancy Crow’s barn.  We both noted Nancy’s influence here.    The museum was a bit of a work it’s self and I took lots of inspirational pictures  of the stairs and shadows.IMG_9062I can see works coming from these images.

IMG_9075.jpgThen yesterday Eric and I went for a road trip to Corning New York to the glass museum there.  We watched five demonstrations and learned a lot.  The artists made it look easy, but I know from my one experience blowing glass it is far from simple. IMG_9078    I also enjoyed the Tiffany exhibit.  Mosaics are always  fascinating and these were amazing.   This clock really blew me away.Tiffany glass clock  Tiffany’s many recipes for the  colors of glass were a real game changer for his work as well as the glass industry.     It was a great day.

Glyph I




Progress Report: Glyph I   This work is 26.5” w X 41”l.    I started the series in Cynthia Corbin’s class at QBL this summer.  The Glyph is based on the word OWL.  IMG_9098  I used simple  outline quilting because the shapes and the colors in the fabrics( by Judy Roberts)  did so much of the work for this piece.IMG_9099


Glyph II IMG_9094.jpg This is the second in the series.  I have pin based it down and I am now zig zag appliqueing down the  glyph.  I will make a second run around the out sides with more zig zag to make it smooth and solid.




Glyph IVGlyph IV    The bead work goes on for this project.   I am stitching it down with beading thread and back stitching every fifth bead to make a strong connection.


Pond Water IMG_9103  This work continues to get attention .     I did bead work here this week too.

Ethel's scrap happyEthel’s Scarp Happy   I finished the assembly added the boarder and binding on this piece this week.  I only need to do the diagonal quilting and the project will be complete

   Creative Assistants  IMG_9105  As fall approaches I start  thinking about doing these little guys.  I pulled out the box of trims that Debbie sent me this summer and  added a  row of trim to 100 bodies.  The last eve I did four faces.  One small step.

Cards  Ever sense I visited Susan in March I have been participating in a weekly collage card creating challenge with several other artists.    It began loosely based on Tarot cards but with time we have pulled away from that.    This is my card for this week titled Activities  and the accompanying  text.  IMG_9090

 Over the course of a day we demand many little task of our selves-One walks, 
talks , comb hair, opens doors, turns on and off lights, reads, checks the 
weather, brushes teeth,  drinks tea, washes hands, sets, collects and opens 
mail, takes pills, writes, climbs stairs, prepares and eats food, ties shoes, 
uses zippers and buttons, looks at the sky, does dishes, changes cloths, checks  
e-mail, and creates something.  It's a complex life. 

Label BlocksIMG_9100.jpg   I finished these two  blocks this week.   I only  have four more  to finish and the job will be done.    I need to start to think about another hand weekly project.

Keep Creating


Tree Work



I am feeling a bit sad today as the tree men came today to do some necessary tree trimming and removal.   As this shot shows the oak was rubbing on the roof as was the white pine.    I love trees and have done many works celebrating them so having two cut to the ground is the source of my distress.  One,  the ash in front of my studio window was suffering the effects of the  ash bore beetle.    I did do a drawing of IMG_9023 a short branch.   The second was a Maple that was greatly distorted because it was growing in the shadow of a second tree.    There is a lot more light in the yard and house now.    The roof will  be  better for the cutting, one can see the street signs again and walk the sidewalk without ducking.   All this is positive and I will concentrate on those positive things.   One can always plant more trees.   IMG_9011.jpg And there are always more quilts to build using trees as there themes.

IMG_8979As if a week of dyeing with Kerr was not enough, Liz and I did dye on Monday.  This is a sot of the dyes we have to choose from on the work table.   What fun.IMG_8978Some of the  altered fabric on the line.

I received a wonderful gift this week too.  My friend Marilyn stopped with a bag full of trims and linens from her Mom’s attic.  IMG_9020She said I knew you could and would make something wonderful out of some of this.  What a fine vote of confidence.  I can see several things I want to work with already.


owlProgress Report:   Owl   I am to the quilting step of this work.     But I have also decided I like it with a vertical layout better then the horizontal way I had it laid out.

IMG_9019That means I will need to change the title as one can not “read” owl with this change in orientation.   But it is still a work in progress so things could still change.

IMG_9021.jpgPond Water  I am still adding hand work to this piece.  The end is in sight however.

IMG_9014Glyph  IV  I am quilting the background of this piece now.  I want to bead the actual Glyph now that I have removed the interfacing I put in last week.    I  did some stabilizing quilting every 2.5” out from the center in both directions.   Those quilting lines will stabilize the piece.     


IMG_9015.jpgLabel Blocks     I finished up two more blocks this week.  The pile of black squares is getting smaller.

Enjoy the trees in your life and

Keep Quilting


Quilting by the Lake 2017



I can not believe that this is how the gym at Onondaga Community Collage looked on Friday July 14 the day after my last post and the day we started preparing for Quilting by the Lake for this year.     This post will be full of photos and snippets of what happened in those glorious days plus a bit of what has happened this week too.


So by the end of the day we had filled the gym with all the quilts that we had received at that time.  It was not ready for guests as more work

came in on Saturday,IMG_8694 but we did a lot.

I spent my Saturday helping my friend Sharron move into her dorm room and decorate for Christmas in July.  We had fun, but more about  that later.

IMG_8808There were four special shows within the quilt show at QBL this year.  One was five Dear Jane Quilts by Sharron.

Sharron's dear JaneShe talked about her journey with the development of this project one afternoon after class. IMG_8705  I have watched her work away on the blocks doing all the color variations at the same time for each of the 350 blocks.  It has taken her six plus years to complete this master  body of work.  It looks great.   Marcia De Camp had a solo show as well.   Non on my photos of that are strong enough to be included here, but believe me when I say it was powerful too.

The Finger Lakes Fiber Artists had a great display .  Cheri and Sharron  These two works are from that section.  The top Quilt is by Sharon Souva.  The bottom one is by Cheri Sheridan.     Liz's work














This quilt  is by Liz Anderson,  she is also a part of the Finger Lakes Fiber Artist’s group.  The little girl on the far right is Liz at the age of six.

Noel and her lecture










Noel Keith also had a solo show and talk the second week . Some of her works have been included  in the Quilts=Art=Quilts shows in the past. IMG_8825She works with silks that she has hand dyed herself and that adds a wonderful layer of excitement to her work.


Sister Sew and SewSister Sew and Sew made an appearance at the quilt show.   She had lots of tips and bits of knowledge that she shared with us as well.


This shot is of Sister checking the length of this woman’s hem from the floor.  An item that my Catholic friends assure me was common in their pasts.




My class week one was with Cynthia Corbin.  I am going to post a few of the solutions that folks created in class.IMG_8744This is a shot of Annette’s project in the middle of the week.  It changes as she assembled it.  I really like the quiet colors.

IMG_8745This work is by Diane.   Her first work with all solids she tells me.   IMG_8763  This shot is of my table partner Robin and her work as we did our Mimi talks about our work for the week on Friday afternoon.

We were Cynthia’s last  topic class and so we gave her flowers as a thank you for her kind support and help.Cynthia


IMG_8767Friday night at the end of the first week of QBL we have show and tell where each class with their teacher get up on the stage and show what they worked on.  This is a shot of Alice with her project from Studio class.

Wedge classOne class- on the use of wedges-  just moved there boards with their work into the auditorium and display them.  Nice touch.

Another event at the end of the week is the action of TOTE Bags to raise money for the Scholarship IMG_8774Fund.   This is Rosalie Dace with her “Chicken bag” .

Week two I had a class called “One Theme – Many Variations”  with Kerr Garbowski.   IMG_8884

We started each morning with some drawing.  This shot is of Cherri doing a blind contour.IMG_8810of onions- her subject.

We worked with colored pencils, chalk and paint blocks too.   This is Cherri’s experiment  using those things on a silk screen. Cherri's wrok With each pass she added more color so the image changed   with each print.

Lots of my friends where in this class and we all had great fun.   We did lots of deconstructed screen work.  IMG_8852Cris and Ann were in front of me.  Both worked hard.  RobinRobin sat next to me again and did some strong work.

IMG_8850 Gerri really did some big works with her little screens.Liz I have been dyeing with  Liz on most Mondays this summer and her big strong   gestural work is so inspiriting.   These two works from class confirm this feeling.

Angela Angela was also in this class and she did this wonderful series using  a glue line print of her husband’s  saxophone keys.    She too changed the background color with  each pull.

These are IMG_8977some of my fabrics from class.

Quilters are a divers group. One of my friends,IMG_8786.jpg Emily has done a lot of beading in the form of bracelets this year.  She shared them with us.  They are wonderful!


treeWeek II of QBL also brought our Christmas in July celebration.

We played games based on carols.Christmas gang  We pulled  poppers.   We drank eggnog, we had a garb bag gift exchange and laughed a lot. IMG_8734 Sharron dressed in red and was our master of ceremonies.Sharron   It was great fun.









The second week ended with show and tell like the first.     Debbie had completed this quilt.Debbi's quilt














LindaThis shot is of Linda with one of the works she did in class.   IMG_8888 And another class project.

The week ended with the tote auction and Cynthia’s tote sold for $1,350.00 – the highest price paid for any work that was going to the scholarship fund.   Cynthia Cynthia sweetened the pop of her tote by adding some of her own hand dyed materials to the collection.IMG_8899  This is a shot of the bag after the sale.      Nice way to close QBL for 2017.

Saturday I went downtown to the Art’s and Crafts fair where I saw several artists friends and watch the native American dancers.  They really moved and I enjoyed all the action.

Dancers My daughter’s company had a booth there too and this shot is of her and several of her fellow workers.  IMG_8929Wendy is the one in the middle.

I also had QuEG’s and  Diva meetings this week.  At QuEG’s  we looked at many projects  folks worked on at QBL.IMG_8931This is the piece that Linda was working on in Independent Studio.

Liz- hand work This piece is what Liz worked on in Rosalie’s class week one at QBL.




Sally's Light houseThis is another  3-D work by Sally.   The whole section at the bottom is all made with thread- except the door. The light house had a lite in the top too.  She does amazing work with her embroidery machine.IMG_8932This is another bit of jewelry  by my quilting friend Corrine.

The Diva gals had lots of wonderful work too. IMG_8944Lori showed off her knitting with these hand warmers that she made on her curse to keep her hands warm.   She also showed off her stitch work.

















Sandy proudly displayed her work just home from a quilt show.


Noel's work












Noel showed off her newest work where she was mixing black and white with solid colors.

Sally's piece

















Sally displayed her second quilt showing off her morning walks.  The quilt shows a map of the rout in red  and the photos are  some of the items she sees.

IMG_8960.jpg  Ruth is actively working away on her dinosaur track quilt.  These first layers are ready for the mud layer now. IMG_8953

Maureen is working away on layers of dye  for her new projects.   This is lovely.

SusanSusan is still doing little units of work on Pellon.   These are memory pieces of her experience in Mexico.       As I have said many times I am so very fortunate to have so many stimulating  and creative  friends.


Progress Report:  Owl project

Owl 1The first week I took a class with Cynthia Corbin called The ABC’s of Composition.  In this class we design blocks using letter forms as the basis of the blocks.IMG_8698Gliph This is the black fabric patters for my blocks.    We then interpreted the patters in color and built the quilt around them.     I stayed with this word all week and went from this first start to a “glyph” using the word owl.

I have always been fascinated  by the positive and negative spaces in art and this project played into and developed several more pieces in this vain.IMG_8737


Glyph IVAt this point I wondered about a size variation with the  glyph.   I did a shrink   and an enlargement.IMG_8740 I have not done any work with the smaller ones even though I have several ideas.

Glyph VThe larger one however has become two pinned works.  Watch for upcoming developments.



Label Blocks








Label Blocks More blocks is getting  smaller and the end of this step is insight.

It has been a busy few weeks and my mind is full of ideas.  Now I need to slow down and get some work done.

Keep Creating.






I am getting ready for the start of Quilting By the Lake  this week along with the usual stuff.    I always get excited about seeing my gal pals that I only see for these two weeks every year.     It really begins tomorrow for me as I will spend the day helping to hang the quilt show that is a part of the two week event.

This week was busy.  I did go and dye with Liz one day and we did a few more pieces.  I will take a lot along to use in my  class the first week.     IMG_8646   These are Liz’s  dyed works that she shared at the QuEG’s meeting on Tuesday.    She also finished her piece that is her entry for the Finger Lakes Fiber Artists show that is a part of the QBL show .  IMG_8645  This is not the best shot of it and I will try to get a better one.    Alice's work There was also a Diva meeting this week.  This it a shot of Alice’s new work for the Women’s museum.  It is early in the process so things will change.  But a strong beginning. IMG_8673 Anne is working on this piece for a show about folks with disabilities.  This is braile.   Both meetings where stimulating and I enjoyed them.


Three Jacks  My Three Jacks was finally installed in its new home with my friends Dave and Betty.     This is a shot of it’s place of honor over their new fireplace..   I am quite proud of how good it looks there.

Teasel III















Progress Report:  Teasel III   This work is 17” w X 22” l.   It is going to my friend Vyvian who lives  in England .    I will try to get it shipped soon.   IMG_8641It is the last of the teasel works that will have this shurbi  dyed fabric in it as there is none left in my stash.

IMG_8642  I hope she enjoys the piece.  I certainly enjoyed creating it with her in mind.  IMG_8643

IMG_8607 Prayer Flags  I made up three more of these little guys this week.  They are so much fun and go so fast.  I often get nice positive comments on then too.

Label BlocksLabel Blocks  Two more label blocks are done now.  I am nearly finished with a third.  It was my plan to have three as I will be away at QBL for the next two weeks and there will not be any posting until I return .  The next post will  be  Aug 4.

Enjoy summer





Summer is here and the long days are warm and pleasant.   I had a good time on my travels to visit Frank Lloyd Wright Houses.  Falling Water I saw four from dramatic Falling Water  to the simple Duncan House.  The house I really loved and thought I could live in was the Kentuck Knob house.    It has a hexagon themeIMG_8505 that he repeated over and over.  We were only allowed to take photos outside the house so this shot of the ceiling over the porch is my best example.  It was all built on one level under the brow of a hill and had  a studio.    I really liked the  crenulation and  the cutouts he added in the window openings too.IMG_8497 His use of local materials is wonderful , epically stone ,as well as his love of fire places.

Gray Stone Gray Stone, outside Buffalo was the only place we could take photos inside and IMG_8550so I am showing this shot of the fireplace.  Please note the black fire irons so you get a sense of scale here.  This house was very livable too.   The association that owns this house is restoring it and some of the local artisans are building furniture from photos to fill it. IMG_8551This table is an example.   I had a good time and enjoyed seeing all the houses.  It was  a trip to see an American Artist whom I have long admired.


AngelaBefore I went on my trip I went to an opening at the Edgewood Gallery where my friends Angela, Carol and Sharon were showing their work.  Angela’s felted works looked divine.  She did  25 new pieces just for this show and only showed  18 of them.    She is a powerhouse.  Carol and Sharon's workThis shot shows Sharon’s new style- on the wall and the sculptured bird is Carol’s.  I was so thrilled to know three of the four artists in this show.

IMG_8576I have had two dye days with Liz sense I wrote last too.   This is a shot of the ones from last week and the new stuff is in the wash this morning.   We are having fun and  I am working on a quilt using some of the fabric we have dyed now.

Little JellyfishProgress Report: Little Jellyfish  This quilt is 34” w X 43’ l.     I was working with transparency and feel I still need to explore this subject.IMG_8594  I have learned so much about jellyfish sense I started exploring this topic. Their only predators are sea turtles and they come in a wide varietyIMG_8596 of colors and shapes. I love how they can change there appearance with ease.

Rainbow TreeRainbow Tree   This work is  16” w X 20” l.     I had a good time adding all the beads and sequins to this work.IMG_8590 Everything I used on this work except the wool I felted with was a gift to me at some point.  Yarn form Judy,IMG_8589beads from Ethel and sequin from Sharon.  Perhaps I should call this a friendship tree.

Wool  1 IMG_8570 Cut up some wool from  Tanya with the idea of using it to build bases for the three sets of 12” X  12” stretchers  that Joyce gave me a week ago.

IMG_8572Wool 2  This is the second start.  It takes me about an hour of work at the felting machine to  build this base.


Wool 3 IMG_8575  All three works are based on the light and dark patterns from one of my rock face photos.  I was liberal with the colors though.

Bits and Pieces Bits and Pieces Liz challenged me to use the fabrics we have been creating.   This work does some of that.


Teasel III















Teasel  III  I am creating this work with my friend Vyvian in mind.    She liked my first two teasel works but they were too big for her use.  So this time I did the design with her  in mind.  I am to the hand stitching of the spears around the heads now.  Six completed and five to go- with one half way done.

Label BlocksLabel Blocks  This was the only project I took on the trip with me.  It is small and easy to transport.

Keep Creating




Mapel treeHello,

It is the first full day of summer and now the days begin to get shorter.   It is also the beginning of what as kids we called “Maple Whistle Time”.  As a kid for about a week we would use the maple seeds as a devise to make a whistle sound and drive my mom crazy.  There is also a mulberry tree that is dropping its fruit  that I pass under when I walk.  That too brings up great childhood memories of  climbing the  mulberry tree in the front yard and eating those berries. They were so juicy. We even tried to make mulberry one time .  Summer was always one day of adventure after another. IMG_8401

Progress Report: Green Dragons Green Dragons 31"wX 37.5  This piece is 31” w X 37.5” t.  It is quilted with stitch in the ditch work and then machine drawing of five dragons was added on top. IMG_8425I stated out by outlining the dragon that was printed on the fabric panel in the work.  I did  little research on Google  and then  some drawings      I then  did the others in a mimic of fist dragon.IMG_8426I have not done a  dragon quilt for many years, but there was a time when I did one as a yearly thing.   It is fun to revisit themes .

Wind Blown 16" X 29"Wind Blown  This quilt is 16’ w X 29” t.  I built up the background and then painted that ground.  I knew I wanted a tree on the surface so I did some drawing.IMG_8394

After  this step I had to decide how I wanted to build the trunk of the tree.  I used tear away paper and drew the image again.  Then I laid treeout yarn for that trunk and the limbs and free motion sewed them all together.   After pulling away all the paper I free motion stitched the tree down.   Next decision was  how  to make the leaves.  I placed a  piece of wash away on top of the tree and  then sprinkled shredded bits of green fabric on top of the wash away.IMG_8395 Last, I placed a bit of green organza on top   to create a sandwich and  free motion stitched the  everything together.  After washing out the wash away  I flipped the organza to the back and free motion stitched it to the tree area. IMG_8415




Little JellyfishLittle Jellyfish  I am still doing the hand work on this piece.  Stitching down all the tentacles is slow.

Ethel Scrap Work IMG_8431 I sewing sold blocks to the 5” pattern ones at this point.

Fly FastFlag- Fly Fast  For this banner I set the machine on zig –zag and drew the letters in free motion.  I like the strange effect.




Flag-Dream IMG_8420This is the last banner that I made in Florida this spring. The letters are done with a chain stitch.


new WorkNew Work  I am building this in the build a unit technique that I use.   The challenge Liz made was to use some of the hand dyed materials we had created.


Label Block # 130Label Block # 130 I can see the end of this process now.

Keep Creating


PS    I will be away again next week .  I am off to visit the Frank Lloyd Wright house Falling Water.

Creative Fiber Collage Artist Carol Boyer