Nature Keeps Moving


We have joyously enjoyed a warm spell this week and  also  listened to the honking of migrating birds on our walks.   I know the full moon tomorrow is called a worm moon as the earth worms are starting to emerge from the cold earth.   But I have not seen any of them yet.   That plus the longer sun light days assure me that spring is on its way.     The tilt of the earth is also noticeable to me as the sun  shine now comes almost directly in through the 15 pains of  the east facing door of my studio  in the early morning.  Nature just keeps doing a powerful job of going forward.

It has been a very quiet week for me with only the Pixie meeting and  Textile Talks.

Progress Report: Sandpipers This work is 28.5″ w X 46″ t.    It is my response  to the  Sisterhood of the Scissors retreat fabric  challenge.    I hand drew all the birds and then appliqued them down.   


The challenge fabric are the cliffs.








Lap 5-25     I enjoyed working on this lap quilt this week.   It is a great way for me to mix fabrics  I have printed in the past with commercial material.





Lap 6-25   Spring green is in my blood I guess as I pulled some of the same colors to use in this next one.





Judy’s Banquet   I finished cutting away all the flowers from the dress this week and free motion appliqued them down.     I even started reflective quilting yesterday.   It is a happy work.



 Oxymoron   I drew patters and started cutting the shapes of the silverware .   I am still playing with the arrangement of the parts .  This is real fun  for me.





Handwork     I did not spend much time on this work this week as I did the bindings on the  projects to complete them instead .



Stencils-   Black Capped Chickadees   I spent time designing and cutting stencils this week.       I will be busy printing in the near future.

Robins  I got a lot more  excited with the robins and they are far more active.  I may need to do a bit more work with the chickadees.    I also realized I will need to cut a second  stencil for each bird for the red breast so I can use  two colors .

Keep Creating and enjoy the longer day light.




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