May Workings


I hope that you are enjoying the seasonal changes.  I continue to see changes in the natural world every day and that delights me.

I worked hard on my pieces for Textile Artist Stitch Club  and finished my owl.  I think I will find ways to roll the fabric to couch down in future works.

 I also continue to work on the Life Time Line that I am doing for Creative Strength Training.    Each day I add a little more and fill in the gaps too.

Progress Report:   Trees in Spring  I did the painting on the canvas a long time ago  and wanted to do a little machine drawing this week,


Burn Out   This work is moving forward.  The lower trees are stitched down now and I ready to  begin the actual fire part now.





New Work    I have now built a new base for some hand work.   I want to continue my play with the addition of stuff and stitches to the surface.





Daily Practice    I should finish this work this evening.  Then I only have one more base to do the hand work on and I will be ready to assemble the quilt top.


College Life- More Camp

All summer long there were special event s every week. I remember “Backwards Day,” where we started the day with dinner and campfire, followed by the free time and finally the classes. We had to wear our clothing backward, too. We celebrated Half Valentines Day and Christmas in July, and organized our silly version of the Olympics. There was a camp improvement day where there was lots of raking and painting to do. One week we had a camper/ Staff talent show. I sang along with Larry and Marcus. We did “Love Makes the World Go Round.” All the special events gave everyone things to look forward to and kept us involved. It was always fun. was lots of fooling around among the staff, too. One late night several other girls and I were heading back to our cabins when we heard lot of noise coming from the pool area. When we went to investigate we discovered a group of the boys skinny dipping. Suddenly, they all got quiet and stayed in the water. We teased them, of course, and dangled out feet in the water so they had to say in the pool even longer. One evening I joined Ellie, Margaret, and Susan so we could dye all the jocks that were hanging in the boys changing room purple. They got a surprise in the morning, but it only seemed to upset Jay, whose swim suit was whitet. One night someone tied a sweatshirt to the clapper on the dinner bell and that made for confusion at noon that day.

Every week all the councilors had a night off. I spent most of mine with Ellie, Margaret, Larry, and Marcus. Ellie would drive us all to Lafayette and the laundry-mat as our first stop. Purdue University is in West Lafayette, so there were lots of fun places to eat and we did explore the campus one night. I remember us doing our own little performance in the band shell on campus. One week we went to the movies to see “Rosemary’s Baby.” Marcus was a Black fellow and with a wonderful fun personality. One evening he and I went into a jewelry store and pretended to look at wedding rings. The other three stood outside laughing at the clerk’s reactions. We enjoyed being scandalous, so when we came upon a photo place Marcus pulled me in and we talked with that clerk about wedding pictures. Marcus found an album of baby pictures on the table and kept pointing out all the beautiful “brown tone” photos. Again we could hear the others out side howling with laughter. I do not remember much of the rest of the evening until we returned to the car to go back to camp. Under the windshield wiper was a note” You are not Welcome Nigger Lovers!” That put a real damper on the ride home and the next night off we went to South Bend and visited Eric and his family.

We also had time off from 10:00 on Saturdays to 1:00 on Sundays between sessions. One of those times Dad came and took Inis, Gene, and me back to Muncie. It was good to get to know her a little better, and Dad enjoyed her too. Dad took us all to dinner at Ponderosa and then to the County Fair. Inis really liked riding the Double Ferris Wheel and seeing all the 4H exhibits. We had a good time in the house of mirrors, too.

Eric came to camp on three of the weekends off. On his second visit, he drove Larry, Ellie, and me up and down the crazy back roads, hills, and ravines in that area. We had a silly time. Then he left for home and had an adventure all his own. As he was on the Route 31 by-pass around Kokomo, and approaching a bunch of cars stopped at a red light, his brakes failed–completely. (The handbrake in that green Lark station wagon never had worked.) There was a Mobil station on the right at the intersection. So, as he tells the story, Eric just aimed for the drive, bouncing over a curb, dodging the gas tanks, and creating a short cut to the side road, which was clear but sloping downhill. So he made another right turn, into the back lot of that station, and rolled slowly up to, and slightly into, a chain-link fence. Men from the station ran to see if the drunk driver had survived. They found the driver, of course, and also found a customer for their brake service. All Eric could think of were the twisty hills, roads, and ravines he and our gang had been driving through just hours earlier.

I will be away next week at a quilting retreat so there will be no post.  I look forward to seeing my friends and making new ones.

Keep Creating
