International Polar Bear Day

It is cold here with blowing snow a good day for Polar Bears and a fine day to celebrate them. This week has been full as ever with little time spent in the studio. I did go to the RATs meeting on Friday and had a good time catching up with folks.  This work is by my good friend  Barbara.   She is doing fine work and I enjoyed it.

Progress Report: China Exchange This work is 14.5″ w X 21″ t. It is part of the “finish for a friend project ” that Regina and I are doing. I added the glove, the coins and the gold leaf fabric units. I like the final effect.   Hope she does too.

Knitted Scarves At the RATs meeting I needed something to work on so I started a circular scarf.    This is the one that I did that day.   Some of the


materials used in it were a gift from Barbara years ago.



I had such fun I pulled yarn and have done two more and a fourth is nearly complete. I can really see a dent in my yarn stash as I use up to five balls of yarn to do each one.



New Work. I did some looking at old photos and found one of a marble floor that I really liked and decided to begin my next hand work project in this style. It is already diverged a long way form the original, but I am OK with that.



Childhood Memory- Pulling Teeth.

I remember my Grandfather Howard with great love. He was always found it easy to laugh and had many fun ideas. The house they built was a ranch with a big open L shaped area that ran from the back door at the top of the L, flowing from there into the kitchen. There was a big picture window over the sink that looked out across part of the back yard and across a field. The space then flowed into the dining area and on into the living room that formed the bottom of the L. Grandpa Howard’s big brown easy chair sat at the inside corner of the L and faced the TV across at the outside corner. A beautiful long stone fire place ran along most of the bottom of that L. One day when I was returning from the bath room on rout to the back door I found Grandpa asleep in his chair. I looked at him and started to giggle. Mom rushed from the kitchen area and roughly pulled me out the back door where she proceeded to give me a good smack on the bottom. “ Don’t you ever disrespect your elders that way again,” she said!

“ But Mom,” I said “He’s so happy that his smile lines are there even in his face when he is asleep.” He was a great positive influence on my life.

All kids lose there baby teeth . For me that was always adventure usually with Grandpa Howard. The first time he tied the string to my tooth and then the door knob. Slam and the tooth was out. One time we tied the string to Snooky’s dog collar. When she pulled away form me, the tooth was out.   Another time I had a very lose tooth but kept resisting pulling until I saw Grandpa. At dinner the night before we were to visit – I swallowed the tooth while eating mashed potatoes. I recall Grandpa pulling one of Gene’s teeth by attaching the thread to a Wiffle Ball and Gene tossing up the ball and hitting it. The last tooth removal for one of my teeth was  during the building of the Carroll house. Grandpa tied the string to the tooth and then tied the other end to a brick. I tossed the brick from the framed but still empty big living room window. We never found that tooth either. I never really cared about the money and that part of the process. The fun of ” how” we would do it was always far more important to me.

Keep Creating
