Rain April 26, 2012


We have had a lot of cold and  rain this week. I was especially aware of the rain as I drove home this morning.  I like the sound of the wind shield wipers as they slap across the glass in their rhythmic action.  When I got home I sat in the drive and   watched the drips run down the window  and noted  the colors of the world reflected upside down in the streaming droplets. Light on the bottom dark at the top.   I so  took walk in the rain  that I went around the block before I retreated into the house.  Some how the world seems calmer or closer  when it is raining.  The drumming of the drops on the umbrella create a rhythm- a dance that I enjoyed ,but could not match.     I enjoy the fan splash of water created by swift cars, but only when I am not in the path of the spray.  The rain  ring  patterns on the pools are also fascinating to me.   The world is greening up around here and I am sure this rain will push that action forward.

Progress Report:  

Lots of new work this week.  I started out silk screening and then  over printing fabric.Sample of some of the printed fabric    This shot shows some of my creations.  I find that when I get going on this process I do a lot of images not knowing what  they may become- but sense I am making a mess I just have a lot of  fun.   As it turns out I used two fabrics that I produced in tops this week and one even got all the way to the framed stage.


Purples and creams with the stamped fabric in the same color pallete   

Thia work was one of those rare works that seemed to have a mind of its own.   So from the first cut of the painted material and it’s placement on the pin wall it all just came together.    Even the quilting pattern was suggested by the white patterns created by the stencils.   I do not resits when this happens but  just go along when the fingers seem to do all the work without my “controlling” things.

Ramble( working title)  This top came from the printed  fabric in the upper left hand corner.  It is a top that I put together yesterday afternoon. I like the intense colors here.   All the small fuchsia sections really make the eye travel across the surface of  this work and the big solid sections give your eye a placTurquoies light blue and fusha top in various sized squarese to rest.







Purple Procedure    This top is a  personal challenge, as it  has such a strong central plannel surrounded by the purple rectangles.  It has almost become a whole.    I am not sure how I will solve this design problem at this point. Variouse sections of purple fabric around a cream center.Blue Boundaries    top with cream and variouse blue fabrics
 This top was actually the first one I did this week and started me on the printing  .  The beep blue  patterned fabric was created last summer at Quilting By the Lake  in the Independent Studio.  I came across it while looking through my stash and it excited my fancy.  In looking at this photo I see I may need to take out some of the seams as there seems to be a great deal of puckering here.




Pyramids   These four fellows are going to be added to the  3-D sculpture  I started in my workshop a few weeks ago.  I needed time.  I am thinking that they may all work together well now.

 Four small pyrmids in shades of brown and cream   I am feeling quite comfortable with this constructions process now and want to go forward with the inter action between the forms.  Choosing the fabrics to be used on the various sides of the units turned out to be a more difficult design decision than I expected- especially  sense I do not know for sure how they will interact with one another.  I just seem to plow blindly forward however.  I have realized that I can re make any unit and fix a color problem in the future too and that is very freeing.


Keep creating friends and enjoy the daily changes of this season.

